Our service area is the City of Toronto and the regional municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel, and York. We also provide services in St. Catharines and the surrounding area.
Service prices vary. Please contact us for service pricing through our “Request for Services” form on this website. Please click on the “Request for Services” tab and fill out the online form. One of our customer service representatives will follow up with you in 24 to 48 hours.
We never close. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
We have both male and female personnel on staff.
Upon being hired, new personnel spend a few days completing our healthcare training courses and learning about our customers.
Some of the training our personnel receive are:
We also have ongoing training for:
We cannot guarantee that you will have the same personnel for all shifts. We have a care plan in place for all clients therefore, when the regular personnel are not available to cover a shift, the new personnel are quickly brought up to date on your care plan.
We have systems in place that help the personnel familiarize themselves with your care plan so, they know what to expect when they arrive at your location.
We accept bank transfer online payments. Our standard payment terms are 30 days (Net 30).
We have other personnel that can cover the shift when the personnel assigned to your care is away.
Yes, your confidentiality is protected. All our systems are both PIPEDA and HIPPA compliant.
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While Ontario, like other jurisdictions, has taken measures to be able to live with and manage COVID-19 for the long-term, we still need to do our part to protect ourselves and others, especially during respiratory illness season.
This includes using the layers of protection that we know help keep ourselves and others healthy:
FSS Staff
We have shared responsibilities in following the recommendations of the Government of Canada and Provincial and Local Public Health authorities. Freedom Support Services Inc. is committed to meeting the measures outlined for as long as it is required by the Ontario government.
FSS is following all COVID-19 related updates closely and will respond to any changes recommended by Public Health accordingly.
All FSS staff members are required to adhere to our client’s COVID-19 policies without exception, ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.
Be well. Stay safe. Stay strong. Wear a mask as required.
For more information on how to protect yourself and others, read Public Health Ontario’s fact sheet.